Ask me to change
I don't see why not
Thrifty? No
Dedicated? No
Level headed?
I could go on but what would that do
Ask me to change any number of things
But not that
Don't ask me not to love her
Though I don't know yet who she is
Don't ask me to abandon her
Since the days it was my favorite song
I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus
He would not stop loving her
Not through the lashes given
for the stones he didn't throw
Not through the pains he suffered
As he felt the sting of rejection
Of hatred
Of disappointing everyone to love one
So I will not give up
As my pain runs parallel
Ask me to change?
How dare you
What an evil thing to ask
Whether you ask me with a camp
Or your hand
Don't ask me if I *really* love her
When for you there's one right answer
When you ask, you ask me to be less
You demand less from me
I am to be loved
Loved by cruel words spoken
with prophetic tongues
Loved by constant confusion
They love me
They love me not
They love me
They would rather risk that I may be
Broken by the question, no.
To the point where I become
100% lesser In the blink of an eye
Joining the three fifths that join their Father
Before their time
I refuse
I have a purpose
Don't ask me
I have a family
Don't ask me
I am a daughter of God
Don't ask me
I love her.
Don't ask me
